Daisy Hoppen
Founder of London-based communications agency DH-PR, Daisy Hoppen is readily identifiable by her signature ‘do’ – two long, jet-black plaits (sometimes finished with ribbons) – and nouveau “witch” attire.
Launching her agency in 2013, today Daisy’s clients extend across the worlds of art, fashion, and design, amongst them Simone Rocha, Rejina Pyo, The Vampire’s Wife, Molly Goddard, and TEKLA.
Here, Daisy details her greatest indulgences (long, hot baths and cold vodka), favoured wellness boltholes, and Marmite-conjured memories.
How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
I am quite speedy and can [get] from shower to front door in 30 minutes – I am not good with having lots of time to procrastinate.
To what do you attribute your sense of style?
Family, history, Jane Austen, witches, and friends.
What inspired you to create DH-PR?
It all happened slightly by accident. I was unsure about my next step in life, so decided to try something new on my own – trying to do PR in a more human and considered way… It’s grown from there and will be 10 years [old] later this year!
DH-PR works across art, fashion, and design. What most appeals to you about each discipline?
There is no one thing, it’s more that the hybrid of all these parts of the creative world are interesting to me in my day-to-day life.
What is your most memorable scent association?
Marmite – family breakfasts growing up in South London.
Your greatest indulgence is…
Very hot and long baths and cold vodka.
Where do you go to decompress?
AIRE Ancient Baths is a really special place in central London – totally hidden away and just magical, you leave feeling like you are walking on air. The Banya in Hoxton is a favourite on a Sunday.
A book you’d recommend everyone read…
Radical Candor by Kim Scott – essential reading for anyone working.
Do you subscribe to trends?
Not personally – I have dressed as a sort of witch for many years…
Who/what is inspiring you right now?
I am biased, but Dover Street Market is constantly inspiring for me in how it houses the best of fashion in one place in the most curated of ways. Florence Knight and ALL that she does at Sessions Arts Club. Nick Cave and his Red Hand Files.
Things you’re excited about for the future…
Strong Fashion Weeks. Good ethics and morals. Desert Island Discs every weekend. And hopefully no more pandemics!
Image credit: Sølve Sundsbø